Welcome to the demonstration page for the Brownfield Action Simulation. Guided instructions are provided to help familiarize you with the simulation. Alternatively, you may explore the sim on your own.
Click on the links below to watch the “Phase 1” video
and read the related newspaper article. Both introduce a central character,
Seymour Buckmeister, as well as the Phase 1 environmental site assessment
(ESA). Student environmental consulting companies see the video and read the
newspaper article before they sign a contract with Malls-R-Us to perform a
Phase 1 ESA and start using the simulation.
Esker County Community Television: O'Ryan's Express
Residents React to prospect of Mall Plans (.pdf) - from the Moraine Monitor
When student companies log in, the “Contract” with Malls-R-Us automatically pops-up on the screen and students must “sign” it by clicking a button. This gives them a budget and allows them to proceed into the simulation. However, you will not see the “Contract” here in this simulation demo. For access to the contract, view the Documents in the simulation and click on “Contract” (use the Next Page button to see the whole document) or go to the Brownfield Action Documents section in the Registered Users tab.
The “Contract” specifically states (at the end) that Malls-R-Us gives the environmental consulting company specific information that they already have in their possession. These documents and maps include:
These maps and documents can also be viewed in the Brownfield Action Documents section in the Registered Users page of this web site. Each student environmental consulting company is given hard copies of these maps and documents. The Moraine Township Tax Assessment Map becomes the base map (the contractually defined “Site”) on which vellum sheets are overlain for the collection of topographic, bedrock, water table, and surface site map information.
There are three modes of the simulation that students must use in order to
complete the Phase 1 ESA. These are: Visual Reconnaissance, Site History,
and Testing.
Reconnaissance - A drive through the town reveals the
general character of town infrastructure/buildings (number and nature of
businesses, residences), location of the town well, water tower, and the
natural geography.
Site History - Around 30 locations can be visited and 45 characters can be interviewed including town residents, business owners, and local government officials.
Testing - Includes a suite of geological testing tools used to collect data for creating water table and bedrock contour maps, also underground metal detection tools, drilling and groundwater chemical tests.
Over the course of the investigation, students receive timed numerous news
articles based on their progress with their investigation. These articles
and other embedded simulation documents are downloadable from the Brownfield
Action Documents section of this web site.
The following
Phase 2 video is used to wrap up many of the issues faced during the Phase 1
part of the student's investigation. At this point the student environmental
consulting companies have completed their Phase1 investigation of the
Self-Lume site. Testing of the water from the town well reveals
contamination from tritium and gasoline. Both the EPA and NRC respond as
well as town officials. Student companies are then hired by the EPA and NRC
to complete Phase 2 and 3 investigations of the site, that is, to delineate
the nature and extent of the contamination, assist the FBI in determining
culpability, and then make recommendations for a clean-up.